Hands On Apologetics LIVE
October 21 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MAISA HADDAD on How to Evangelize Anyone!
October 16 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: FR CHARLES CONNOR on The rise of Catholicism during the Civil War
October 17 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JEFF KASSAB on Fathers leading their families to Christ
October 15 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN MARTIGONI on the truth about binding and loosing
October 14 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: BRUCE SULLIVANT on the ordained priesthood
October 11 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR PAUL THIGPEN on Saints who battled Satan"
October 10 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on "Is the moral/venial sin distinction biblical?"
October 9 2019
October 8 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: BRIAN GESINGER on the Power to be Children of God
08_Oct_2019_HoA_-_Brian_Gesinger_on_the_Power_to_be_Children_of_God (1).mp3
October 7 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN MARK MIRAVALLE on Beauty and the Existence of God
October 4 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY on Where's the Mass in the Bible? Everywhere.
October 3 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on Apostolic Succession
October 2 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Does God Oppose Alcoholic Beverages?
October 1 2019
September 30, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST:JOHN DEROSA on What's The Best Arguments for God's Existence 30_Sep_2019_HoA_-_What_Are_the_Best_Arguments_for_Gods_Existence_-_Guest_John_DeRosa
September 26, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST:JEFF KASSAB on Believing in the Real Presence
September 25, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST:JON MARC GRODI on How Mary and the Saints Help Us To Worship God Better
September 24, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATT SWAIM on Comparing Protestant and Catholic Worship
24_Sep_2019_HoA_-_Matt_Swaim_on_Different_Ways_Protestants_View_the_Mass (1).mp3
September 23, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ARTHUR AND TERESA BEEM on Explaining Catholicism to Seventh-Day Adventists
September 21, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ROBERT DELFINO on the book he co-wrote with MATT FRADD on Does God Exist? A Socratic Dialogue on the Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas
September 19, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KENNETH HENSLEY on If there is no God can we believe in free will?
19_Sep_2019_HoA_-_If_Theres_No_God_Can_We_Have_Free_Will_-_Guest_Kenneth_Hensley (1).mp3
September 18, 2019
September 17, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on how to dig into arguments
September 16, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MIKE AQUILINA on the villians of the early Church
September 13, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on Apologetics Eastern Rite Style
September 11, 2019
September 10, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY on "Sola 2nd Timothy? Why Sola Scriptura fails
September 9, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR STACY TRANSANCOS on Fr. Stanley Jaki and how Christianity gave birth to science.
September 6, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the Immaculate Conception of Mary
September 5, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TRENT HORN on Pro-Life Apologetics
September 4, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: "CATHOLIC BRYAN" MERCIER on Answering Common Objections
September 3, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAT FLYNN on Talking about God"
August 30, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JIMMY AKIN on "The Bible is a Catholic Book"
August 28, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JEFF KASSAB on his Journey to a Deeper Faith
August 27, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATT SWAIM on Does One Size Fits All in Apologetics?
August 26, 2019
August 23, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR JANET SMITH on Contraception: Why Not?
August 22, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KENNETH HENSLEY on atheism and the problem of consciousness
August 21, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DAVID PALM: What Happened With Galileo?
August 20, 2019
20 Aug_2019_HoA_-_On_the_Holy_Eucharist_Guest_-_Bobby_Hesley_R (1).mp3
August 19, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ANTHONY DIGMANN on basic training for proving God's existence
August 16, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on raising a family of apologists
August 15, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM HEMSWORTH on his Journey to the Catholic Faith
August 14, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Is Christianity a Superstition?
August 13, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATTHEW ARNOLD on Confessions of a Traditional Catholic
August 12, 2019
August 9, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ANTHONY DIGMANN on the realibility of Scripture
09_Aug_2019_HoA_-_Anthony_Digmann_on_Talking_to_Youth_about_the_New_Testament (1).mp3
August 8, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: CATHOLIC BRYAN MERCIER on talking apologetics with youth and young adults
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD on is theism only for dummies?
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR ROBERT FASTIGGI on what seperates Catholics and Orthodox
Monday, August 5, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: GARY MICHUTA on St. Jerome and the Old Testament Canon
Friday, August 2, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS joins us to talk about Peter and the Church
Wednsday, July, 31, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JONMARC GRODI joins us to talk about Conversion and the Virtue of Prudence
31_Jul_2019_HoA_-_JonMarc_Grodi_on_Conversion_and_Prudence (1).mp3
Tuesday, July, 30 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING joins us to talk about the classic work: Radio Replies
30_Jul_2019_HoA_-_Karl_Keating_on_Classic_Pick_-_Radio_Replies (1).mp3
Monday, July, 29 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: GARY MICHUTA goes through the Dojo mailbox and answers your emails
Friday, July, 26 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KENNETH HENSLEY on Can There Be Meaning Without God?
Thursday, July, 25 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR JOHN-MARK MIRAVALLE on Beauty: What it is and Why We Need It
Wednesday, July, 24 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN DEROSA on What is Classical Theism?
Tuesday, July, 23 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: SR. MARY ANN FATULA on Heaven and its Splendor
23_Jul_2019_HoA_-_Heavens_Splendor_Guest_-_Sister_Mary_Ann_Fatula_O.P (2).mp3
Monday, July, 22 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAT FLYNN of the "Pat Flynn Show" explains why he became Catholic
22_Jul_2019_HoA_-_Pat_Flynn_Explains_Why_He_Became_Catholic (1).mp3
Friday, July, 19 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ANTHONY DIGMANN on Basic Training: Evidence for the Existence of God
Thursday, July, 18 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Evil and Suffering in Scripture and the Early Church Fathers
Wednesday, July, 17 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MICKAHEL BARBER on Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know
Tuesday, July, 16 2019
Monday, July, 15 2019
Friday, July, 12 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATT SWAIM on How to Welcome Perspective Converts
Thursday July, 11 2019
Wednesday, July, 10 2019
Tuesday, July, 9 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVE WEIDENKOPF on the Protestant Reformation
Monday, July 8, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST:WILLIAM ALBRECHT The 500th Aniversary of Luther's Disputation at Leipzig
Friday, July 5, 2019
"Best of... Hands On Apologetics"
Thursday, July 4, 2019
"Best of... Hands On Apologetics"
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN DEROSA on answering common athestic slogans revisited
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Monday, July 1, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ARTHUR AND THERESA BEEM on the teachings of Seventh-Day Adventism
Friday, June 28, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the "Mothers of the Church."
Thursday, June 27, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY on Why Catholic Prayer Chains are Bigger
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JohMarc Grodi on Does Doctrine Divide?
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN MARTGONI on defending the Eucharist
Monday, June 24, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: BRUCE SULLIVAN on the Church of Christ and Baptism
Friday, June 21, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING on Newman's Essay on the Development of Doctrine
Thursday, June 20, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KEN HENSLEY on how to drive your friend sane
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Monday, June 17, 2019
Top 10 - Apologetics Resource Website
1) Catholic Answers www.catholic.com
2) EWTN www.ewtn.com / Coming Home Network
3) Catholic Convert.com www.catholic-convert.com
4) New Advent www.newadvent.org
5) Net Archive archive.org
6) Catechism of the Catholic Church tie (www.vatican.va) + St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church site: www.scborromeo.org/ccc.htm
7) WorldCAT www.worldcat.org
8) Utah Lighthouse Ministry(www.utlm.org/) and JW Facts (www.jwfacts.com/ ).
9) Strange Notions (www.strangenotions.com/)
10) David Armstrong (www.patheos.com/blogs/davearmstrong/)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR PAUL THIGPEN on his journey of faith from the occult to Catholicism
Thursday, June 13, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Jesus, the New Testament and the Quran
Wesnesday, June 12, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVE AUTH on a Missionary on Wall Street
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MARCUS GRODI on Memorizing Scripture
Monday, June 10, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATT SWAIM on Opening the Door ot the Church
Friday, June 7, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TERESA BEEM on her journey from Seventh Day Adventism
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ANTHONY DIGMANN on Becoming a Catholic Apologist
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: BRYAN MERCIER on the 10 Dos and Don'ts of Evangelism
Monday, June 3, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on the scandal of denominationalism
Friday, May 31, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the Ascension of Christ in the Bible and Church history
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Thursday, May 30, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING: Books every Apologist Should Know: Hillaire Belloc
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ROD BENNETT on the canon and the early Church
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ROBERT REILLY on the Closing of the Muslim Mind
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Best of Hands On Apologetics
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Best of Hands On Apologetics
Thursday, May 23, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR DOUGLAS BEAUMONT on how worldviews change
23_May_2019_HoA_-_Changing_Worldviews_Guest_-_Dr._Douglas_Beaumont (1).mp3
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD on the hiddenness of God
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: FR ROBERT SPITZER on clues that we are more than just our bodies
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Monday, May 20, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVE RAY on the Visitation of Mary
Friday, May 17, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: GARY MICHUTA on are the Gospels Fiction? and other questions from the mailbox
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Thursday, May 16, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KEN HENSLEY on where moral questios can ultimately be found
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on Ark fo the Covenant and Mary.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATT SWAIM on Obstacles that Converts Encounter.
14_May_2019_HoA_-_Matt_Swaim_on_Obstacles_that_Converts_Encounter (2).mp3.crdownload
Monday, May 13, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR JIM PAPANDREA on How Christianity Saved civilization.
Friday, May 10, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: GARY MICHUTA goes to the dojo mailbox and fields questions and comments
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Hell: Eternal Punishment or Annihilationism
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: BRYAN MERCIER on his book "Why DO you believe in God?"t
07_May_2019_HoA_-_Why_Do_You_Believe_in_God_Guest_-_Bryan_Mercier (1).mp3
Monday, May 6, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: BRUCE SULLIVAN on the Church of Christ, Patternism, and the Restoration movmeent
Friday, May 3, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ROY SCHOEMAN on Jesus in the Talmud"
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Monday, April 29, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST:TRENT HORN on his new book "Counterfeit Christs"
Friday, April 26, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Does the New Testament and early Church teach the Incarnation?
Thursday, April 25, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD on the logical aspect of the problem of evil
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JIMMY AKIN and BOBBY HESLEY on Batman: Ssint, Superhero, or Neither
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KENNETH HENSLEY on Where are the Real Moral Relativists
Monday, April 22, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN DEROSA on Answering Atheistic Slogans
Friday, April 19, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRCHT on the bodily resurrection, the Bible and the early Church fathers
Wednesday, April 18, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DAWN EDEN on her journey as a Jewish rock journalist to Catholicism
Tuesday, April 17, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING on Books that every Catholic apologist ought to read
Monday, April 16, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR LIZ LEV on How Catholic Art Saved the Faith
Monday, April 15, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: BRUCE SULLIVAN on his journey from the Church of Christ to Catholicism
Friday, April 12, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DEBBIE HERBECK on her journey from Judaism to the Catholic Faith
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Were the Bereans "Bible-only" Christians?
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: THOMAS NASH on the Biblical Roots of the Mass
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY on an Evangelical Discovers the Mother of God
Monday, April 8, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR KEVIN VOST on Thinking Like Aquinas
Friday, April 5, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on overcoming the fear of confession
Thursday, April 4, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATHOMA on Answering Common Atheistic Objections
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ROY SCHOEMAN on "Scientific apologetics" (part 2)
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHTDoes Romans Teach Justification by Faith Alone?
Monday, April 1, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TRENT HORN on tackling Bible Difficulties
Friday, March 29, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: FR PATRICK COLLINS C. M . on battling evil, spiritual warfare, and apologetics.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOSEPH PEARCE on his autobiography "Race with the Devil"
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KEN HENSLEY on Atheism and the Problem of Human Dignity
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING on books that every apologist ought to know - Lunn v. Knox "Difficulties"
Monday, March 25, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MIKE AQUILINA on how Christianity introduced supernatural charity into the ancient world.
Friday, March 22, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR. BRIAN BRADFORD explains Jesus in the Quran .
Thursday, March 21, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: MATHOMA talks about answering common atheistic objections.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD joins us to talk about the emotional component of the problem of evil.
Monday, March 18, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: SEVEN PISKEROWSKI shares how a former evangelical accepted purgatory.
Friday, March 15, 2019
Who removed seven books out of the Protestant Old Testament
Thursday, March 14, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR. JOHN BERGSMA joins us to talk his journey into Catholicism from Calvinism and the key prophesies of Daniel.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR. STACY TRASANCOS joins us to talk her book, "Particles of Faith."
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DALE AHLQUIST joins us to talk about G. K. Chesterton the apologist
Monday, March 11, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: ROY SCHOEMAN joins us to talk about "scientific apologetics."
Friday, March 9, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR EDWARD FESER joins us to talk about proving God's existence
Thursday, March 7, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: DR DOUGLAS BEAUMONT joins us to talk about Sola Fide (Faith Alone)
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY joins us to talk about he, a nuclear engineer, disovered the Holy Eucharist
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Why Mary is the Woman of Revelation 12
Monday, March 4, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT joins us to talk about the early fathers and Lent.
Friday, March 1, 2019
Mary's Role in God's Perfect Plan of Redemption
Thursday, February 28, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN MARTIGONI joins us to talk about the Bible and apologetics.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KEN HENSLEY joins us to talk about the foundations of Faith.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVEN PISKEROWSKI former Dave Hunt fan shares his return journey to the Catholic Faith.
Thursday and Friday, Feb. 21-22 - "The very best of Hands On Apologetics."
Monday, February 25, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD on whether science is the only reliable way to know things.
Thursday and Friday, Feb. 21-22 - "The very best of Hands On Apologetics."
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Fear
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Council of Nicaea
SPECIAL GUEST: MATTHEW ARNOLD on the art of deception and its remedy
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Furtive Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Eusebius of Caesarea
SPECIAL GUEST: TERRY BARBER joins us on "How to Share Your Faith With Anyone"
Monday, February 18, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Begging the Question
Meet the Early Church Fathers: the council of Sardica
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN DE ROSA joins us to talk about "Answering Atheist Slogans"
Friday, February 15, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Glittering Generalities
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Augustine (part 2)
SPECIAL GUEST: DR BRIAN BRADFORD on Christian heresies and the roots of Islam..
Thursday February 14, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Hasty Generalization
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Gregory of Nazianzus
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the early fathers on suffering.
Wednesday February 13, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Abusive Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Optatus of Milevis
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY on his conversion to the Catholic Faith.
Tuesday February 12, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Etymological Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: St. Augstine of Hippo
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the historical roots of confession
Monday February 11, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: The Slippery Slope Argument
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Peter of Alexandria
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVEN WEIDENKOPF on "Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church
Friday February 8, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: White Hats and Black Hats (propaganda)
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Aphraates the Persian
10 Warning Signs That Your Loved One Is Being Pulled Out of the Church
Thursday February 7, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Non Sequitur
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Gregory of Nyssa
Wednesday February 6, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Questionable Cause
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pacian of Barcelona
SPECIAL GUEST: Paul Thomas on Apologetics Eastern-Rite Style
Tuesday February 5, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope St. Innocent I
SPECIAL GUEST: BYRAN GESINGER on Power to be the Children of God
Monday February 4, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Pooh Pooh Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: the council of Elvira
January 28, 2019
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVE RAY on the Life of Abraham
Friday January 25, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Accusing Your Opponents of the Same Crime
Meet the Early Church Fathers: St. Athanasius
SPECIAL GUEST: MATT SWAIM on his journey into the Catholic Faith.
25_Jan_2019_HoA_-_Why_I_Became_Catholic_Guest_-_Matt_Swaim (1).mp3
Thursday January 24, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Amphilocius of Antioch
Mary: Queen Mother of the Messiah King
24_Jan_2019_HoA_-_Mary_-_The_Queen_Mother (1)
Wednesday January 23, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Proof of Assertion
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Ambrose of Milan
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN MARTIGONI talks about Sola Fide (Faith alone).
Tuesday January 22, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Proving Too Much.
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Marius Mercantor
SPECIAL GUEST: ROY SCHOEMAN on his journey as a Judaism to Catholicism.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Argument from Silence
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Dionysius the Great
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING on "Debating Catholic."
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Friday, January 18, 2019
Finding the Fallacy:
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Cyril of Jerusalem
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD on proving the existence of God.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Fallacy of Relative Privation
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Epiphanius of Salamis
Thursday: If there's one word of God, why so many translations?
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Quantitative Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Ambrosiaster
SPECIAL GUEST: ROBERT CORZINE talks about the Spanish Inquisition
16_Jan_2019_HoA_-_Rob_Corzine_on_the_Spanish_Inquisition (1).mp3
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Incomplete comparison
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Paulus Orsius
Tactical Tuesday: The Socratic Method
Monday, January 14, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Composition
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Novation (anti-pope)
SPECIAL GUEST: KEN HENSLEY joins us to talk about problems with materialism.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Card Stacking
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Gregory of Elvira
Apologetic Book Recommends
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Associated Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Theodore of Mopsuestia
Sacrafice and the Sacrifice of the Mass Pt 2
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Single Authority
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Rufinus
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Chronological Snobbery
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Hilary of Poiter
Understsanding Sacrafice and the Sacrifice of the Mass Part 1
Monday, January 7, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Ridicule
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Firmillian of Caesarea
SPECIAL GUEST: BOBBY HESLEY on the perpetual virginity of Mary
Friday, January 4, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: (propaganda) Testimonials
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Marius Victorinus
Luther Video Continued / Book Recommends
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Novelty
Meet the Early Church Fathers: John Chrysostom
SPECIAL GUEST: JIMMY AKIN on his book, "Teaching with Authority"
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Spite
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Jerome
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS: Apologetis Eastern-rite Style
Monday, December 31, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Authority
Meet the Early Church Fahters: Council of Constantiople
The occult originas of Mormonism
Friday, December 28, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Milieu Control
Meet the Early Fathers: First Council of Constantinople
Friday, December 21, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Accusing the Opposition of One's Own Faults
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope St. Damasus I
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Wishful Thinking
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Apostolic Consistution
Theological Thursday: Mary: Mother of All Christians
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Vacuous Truth
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pelagius
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT : Was Jesus was born on Dec. 25th?
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Misleading Vividness
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Prosper of Aquine
Special Guest: MARCUS GRODI on the "verses I never saw."
Monday, December 17, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Circular Reasoning
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Cyprian of Carthage
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on Apologetics Eastern-rite Style
Friday, December 14, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Misuse of Relative Terms
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Avagrius of Pontius
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING on his book" The Francis Feud "
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Argumentum ad Populum
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Apostolic Canons
Theological Thursday:
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Argumentum ad Baculum
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Caelestius
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN MARTIGONI on the Rapture: Truth or Fiction?
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Quoting Out of Context
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Leporius
Special Guest: WILLIAM ALBRECHT returns to instruct us on the veneration of images.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: False Attribution
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Origen of Alexandria
SPECIAL GUEST: TRENT HORN: The Case for Catholicism
Friday, December 7, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Defining Opposition Out Of Existence
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Basil the Great
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING talks about his career as a Catholic Apologist and his book "
Booked for Life ."
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Judgmental Language
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Sacramentary of Perapion
Making Sense of Mary : The Immaculate Conception of Mary
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Julian of Eclanum
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD on Scientiam. Is Science our only way we can know things with certainty
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Definitional Retreat
Meet the Early Church Fathers: John Cassian
Monday, December 3, 2018
Finding the Fallacy: Division
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Clement of Alexandria
SPECIAL GUEST: ROD BENNETT on "The Apostasy that Wasn't "
Friday, November 30th
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Motive
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Mincius Felix
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT joins on to talk about the Incarnation and the Early Church
Thursday, November 29th
Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Authority
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Theoret of Cyr
Making Sense of Mary - Honoring Mary and Answering Common Objections
Wednesday, November 28th
Finding the Fallacy: Strawman Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Sozomen
SPECIAL GUEST: Paul Thomas talks about his journey from crime to Chirst.
Tuesday, November 27th
Finding the Fallacy: Fallacy of the single cause
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Dionysius Areopagoate
Is It Biblical to Honor the Blessed Virgin Mary?
Monday, November 26th
Finding the Fallacy: Special Pleading
Meet the Early Church Fathers: 2nd Clement
SPECIAL GUEST: MARK MCNEIL joins us to talk about his journey from Oneness Pentecostalism to Catholicism
November 22-23, 2018
"Best of...." Shows for the Holidays
Wednesday, November 21st
Finding the Fallacy: "Tuo Quoque" ("And you also")
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Abercius Epitaph
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the Blessed Virgin Mary and Isalm
Tuesday, November 20th
Finding the Fallacy: Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Leonitius of Byzantium
Fr. Spitzer Breakdown
Hostile Witnesses for the Crusades, Inquisition, Hitler's Pope
Monday, November 19th
Finding the Fallacy: Nirvana Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Letter to Diognetus
SPECIAL GUEST: Fr. Robert Spitzer on the 5 Transcendentals
Friday, November 16th
Finding the Fallacy: Tabloid Thinking
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Mincius Felix
SPECIAL GUEST: Karlo Broussard.
Thursday, November 15th
Finding the Fallacy: The Genetic Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Vincent of Lerins
Transubstantiation 201 with Gary Michuta.
Wednesday, November 14th
Finding the Fallacy: Poisoning the Well
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Theophilius of Antioch
SPECIAL GUEST: John Martigoni on whether Once Saved Always Saved is biblical.
Tuesday, November 13th
Finding the Fallacy: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Zechariah of Mitlene
SPECIAL GUEST: Steve Ray on Peter and the Papacy .
Monday, November 12th
Finding the Fallacy: Moving the Goal Posts Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Papias
SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Christopher Kaczor to talk about the Seven Big Myths About the Catholic Church.
Friday, November 9th
Finding the Fallacy: (propaganda) The Inevitable Victory (Bandwagon)
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Muratorian Fragment
SPECIAL GUEST: Master web apologist, David Armstrong , will be joining us to talk about whether the Protestant principle of the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura) is biblical.
Two Hundred Interpretations of the words, "This is my Body" by Christopher Rasperger (Ducentæ verborum, 'Hoc est corpus meum' interpretationes (Ingolstadt, 1577)).
Thursday, November 8th
Finding the Fallacy: Ispe Dixit Fallacy
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Peter Chrysologus
Theological Thursday: Understanding Transubstantiation
08_Nov_2018_HoA_-_Understanding_Transubstantiation (1).mp3
Wednesday, November 7th
Finding the Fallacy: The Fallacy of the Accident
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Athenagoras
SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Stacy Trasancos joins us to talk about "Science Was Born of Christianity: The Teaching of Fr. Stanley Jaki." Why did science as a self-sustaining enterprise take root in the Christian West, yet was still-born in other cultures?
Tuesday, November 6th
Finding the Fallacy: Survivorship bias
Meet the Early Church Fathers: Gregory of Tours
Tactical Tuesday: Hostile Witnesses: Christian Miracles through the Eyes of Their Enemies
Miracolo Euaristico_Eucharistic Miracle.PDF
Latest News
October 23, 2019
HOA Live: FR. ED FRIEDE on his Journey of Faith
FR ED FRIDE joins us to share his amazing journey of Faith into the Church and into the Priesthood. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
October 22, 2019
HOA Live: KARL KEATING on Apologetics the English Way
KARL KEATING joins us to talk about his book, Apologetics the English Way . Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
October 21, 2019
HOA Live: MAISA HADDAD on How to Evangelize Anyone
MAISA HADDAD on how to evangelize anyone.. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
October 10, 2019
HOA Live: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on is the mortal / venial sin distinction biblical?
WILLIAM ALBRECHT comes onboard to discuss where the distinction between moral / veniel sins are found in Scripture. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
October 9, 2019
HOA Live: 'CATHOLIC BRYAN" MERCIER joins uu to continued our answering common objections rundown
JOHN DEROSA comes on the show to talk about arguments for God. What arguments are the most helpful? Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
October 8, 2019
HOA Live: BRYAN GESINGER on his book, The Power to Become the Children of God
TERESA AND ARTHUR BEEM joins us to talk about their new video project that explains Catholicism to SDAs. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
October 7, 2019
DR JOHN MARK MIRAVALLE talks about why God? And how to prepare yourself and your children to explain God's existence." Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
September 28, 2019
HOA Live: JEFF KASSAB on Believing in the Real Presence
September 25, 2019
HOA Live: JON MARC GRODI on How Mary and the Saints Help Us Worship Better
September 24, 2019
HOA Live: MATT SWAIM on How Protestant and Catholic Worship Differs.
September 23, 2019
HOA Live: TERESA AND ARTHUR BEEM on Explaining the Faith to Seventh-Day Adventists
TERESA AND ARTHUR BEEM joins us to talk about their new video project that explains Catholicism to SDAs. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
September 20, 2019
DR. ROBERT DELFINO joins us to talk about his book, "Does God Exist?: A Socratic Dialogue on the Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas." Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
September 19, 2019
HOA Live: KENNETH HENSLEY on Denying Free Will
Why denying God's existence leads to the denial of free will. But what are the implications of such a denial? Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
August 18, 2019
HOA Live: ROY SCHOEMAN on Understanding Judaism
Is rabbinic Judaism identical to the Jews of the New Testament? How should we share the news about the Messiah for Jewish people? Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
Sept 15, 2019
HOA Live: MIKE AQUILINA on Villians of the Early Church
MICHAEL AQUILINA joins us to talk about the villians of the Early Church. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
Sept 13, 2019
HOA Live: PAUL THOMAS on the Eastern-Rite apporach to Catholic apologetics.
It's Catholic apologetics Eastern-Rite Style with Paul Thomas. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
Sept 11, 2019
HOA Live: KARLO BROUSSARD on the Trilemma Argument
Master apologist KARLO BROUSSARD takes us through the Trilemma argument for Christ's divinity. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
Sept 10, 2019
HOA Live: TROY GUY on "Sola Second Timothy"
Sola Second Timothy? Convert TROY GUY explains why he found "the Bible Alone" approach wanting. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
Sept 9, 2019
HOA Live: Dr. STACY TRANSANCOS on Fr. Stanley Jaki and how Christianity gave birth to modern science.
Dr. Transancos talks about the Christian roots of science and her own journey to the Catholic Faith. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 26, 2019
HOA Live: KENNETH HENSLEY on materialism and meaning
Can there be meaning if the only thing that exist is matter? KENNETH HENSLEY joins us to see whether meaning is possible. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 25, 2019
HOA Live: DR. JOHN MARK MIRAVALLE on Beauty: What it is and Why It Matters
DR JOHN MARK MIRAVALLE joins us to talk about his new book on beauty. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 8, 2019
HOA Live: William Albrecht on the 500th anneversary of the Leipsig Disputation
WILLIAM ALBRECHT joins us to talk about Luther v. Eck Debate at Leipsig. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 9, 2019
HOA Live: Steve Weidenkopf on the Protestant Reformation
STEVEN WEIDENKOPF comes on the show to talk about the history behind the Protestant Reformation. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 10, 2019
HOA Live: Bobby Hesley on Catholic apologetics
BOBBY HELSLEY comes on the show to talk about the Catholic apologetics. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 3, 2019
HOA Live: JOHN DEROSA on answering common atheistic slogans.
JOHN DEROSA joins us to talk about his new edition of Answering Atheist Slogans. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 2, 2019
HOA Live: ANTHONY DIGMANN on introducing science and faith apologetics to beginners.
DR. ANTHONY DIGMANN shares is experitise in apologetics instruction by tackling the issues surrounding science and faith. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
July 1, 2019
HOA Live: ARTHUR AND THERESA BEEM on the teachings of Seventh Day Adventists.
Arthur and Theresa Beem join us to discuss the beliefs of the Seventh-Day Adventists and how to share your faith with them. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 18, 2019
HOA Live: DR. PAUL THIGPEN Shares His Journey to the Faith.
DR. PAUL THIGPEN joins us today to share his journey to the Faith. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 14, 2019
HOA Live: BRYAN MERCIER on What Every Catholic Should Know about Mormonism
BRYAN MERCIER on What Every Catholic Should Know about Mormonism. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 13, 2019
HOA Live: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Jesus, the New Testament and the Quran
WILLIAM ALBRECHT on Jesus, the New Testament, and the Quran. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 11, 2019
HOA Live: MARCUS GRODI on Catholics Memorizing Verses
MARCUS GRODI on "life verses." Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 10, 2019
HOA Live: MATT SWAIM on Openings to the Church
MATT SWAIM on Opening to the Church and the Work of God's Grace. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 7, 2019
HOA Live: TERESA BEEM on her journey from Seventh Day Adventism
TERESA BEEM on her journey from Seventh-Day Adventism. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 6, 2019
HOA Live: MARK MCNEIL on Prayer and Apologetics
MARK MCNEIL on the role of prayer and apologetics. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 5, 2019
HOA Live: ANTHONY DIGMANN on becoming a Catholic Apologist/h3>
BRYAN MERCIER comes on the show to talk about the top 10 does and don't of evangelism. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 7, 2019
HOA Live: TERESA BEEM on her journey from the Seventh Day Adventism
TERESA BEEM on her journey from the Seventh Day Adventism. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 4, 2019
HOA Live: BRYAN MERCIER on Top 10s on Evangelism
BRYAN MERCIER comes on the show to talk about the top 10 does and don't of evangelism. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
June 3, 2019
HOA Live:PAUL THOMAS on Denominationalism
PAUL THOMAS comes on the show to talk about the scandal of Protestant denominationalism. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 31, 2019
HOA Live: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the Ascension
WILLIAM ALBRECHT talks about the Ascension and the Bible. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 30, 2019
HOA Live: KARL KEATING on the writings of Hilaire Belloc
KARL KEATING joins us to talk about the writings of Hiliare Belloc. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 29, 2019
HOA Live: ROD BENNETT on the canon of Scripture and the early Church
ROD BENNETT joins us to talk about the canon of Scripture in the early ChurchVirgin Most Powerful Radio
May 28, 2019
HOA Live: ROBERT REILLY on the Closing of the Muslim Mind
ROBERT REILLY joins us to talk about the intellectual history of Islam and the closing of the Muslim mind. Join us at Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 23, 2019
HOA Live: DR DOUGLAS BEAUMONT on how worldviews change
DR DOUGLAS BEAUMONT joins us to talk about how worldviews changeVirgin Most Powerful Radio
May 22, 2019
HOA Live: KARLO BROUSSARD on the why God seems hidden
KARLO BROUSSARD joins us to chat about why God seems to be hidden. Join us at.Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 21, 2019
HOA Live: FR ROBERT SPITZER on clues about the existenc of the soul
FR. ROBERT SPITZER joins us to chat about evidence for the soul. Join us at.Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 20, 2019
HOA Live: STEVE RAY on the Visitation of the BVM
STEVE RAY joins us to chat about the Visitation of Mary. Join us at.Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 17, 2019
HOA Live: GARY MICHUTA answers questions from the mailbox.
GARY MICHUTA answers questions from the dojo mailbox.Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 16, 2019
HOA Live: KEN HENSLEY joins us to look at where a foundation for morality can be found
PAUL THOMAS joins us to talk about the Blessed Virgin MaryVirgin Most Powerful Radio
May 15, 2019
HOA Live: PAUL THOMAS on Mary and the Ark of the covenant
PAUL THOMAS joins us to talk about the Blessed Virgin MaryVirgin Most Powerful Radio
May 14, 2019
HOA Live: MATT SWAIM on obstacles that converts encounter
MATT SWAIM joins us obstacles that converts encounter. "Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 13, 2019
HOA Live: DR JIM PAPADREA on How Christianity Saved Civilization
DR JIM PAPADREA joins us to talk about his book, "How Christianity Saved Civilization."Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 10, 2019
HOA Live: GARY MICHUTA answers your emails on this Dojo Mailbox episode
GARY MICHUTA answers and comments on your emails in the "Dojo Mailbox" Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 9, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: STEVEN PISKEROWSKI on "Once Saved, Always Saved"
STEVEN PISKEROWSKI joins us to talk about the Protestant doctrine of "Once Saved, Always Saved." Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 8, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on is Hell eternal
WILLIAM ALBRECHT joins us to talk about whether the punishment of Hell eternal. Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 6, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: BRUCE SULLIVAN
BRUCE SULLIVAN joins us to talk about the Church of Christ, patternism, and the restoration movement. Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 2, 2019
William Albrecht joins us to talk about St. Athanasius and the Bible. Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
May 1, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: ROY SCHOEMAN
Roy Schoeman joins us to talk about Jesus and the Talmud. Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
April 31, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: PAUL THOMAS
Paul Thomas joins us to talk about the Bible and the Eucharist. Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
April 30, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: JOHN MARTIGONI
John Martigoni joins us to talk about debating Catholicism. Tune in 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
April 29, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Trent Horn
SPECIAL GUEST: TRENT HORN on new book "Counterfeit Christs" Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 26, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: William Albrecht
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT Is the Incarnation taught in the Bible and early Church? Join us at 1pm EST Tuesday, Feb. 12th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 25, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karlo Broussard
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD comes into the dojo to talk about the logical aspects of the problem of evil. Join us Wednesday, March 20th at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 24, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin and Bobby Helsey joins us to talk about, "Batman: Saint, Superhero, or Neither" Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 23, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Ken Hensley
SPECIAL GUEST: KEN HENSLEY talks about the the foundations of morality. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 22, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: John DeRosa
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN DEROSA,join us to talk about answering atheist slogans on Monday, Feb. 18th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 18, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dawn Eden Goldstein
SPECIAL GUEST: DAWN EDEN GOLDSTEIN joins us to talk about her journey from a Jewish upbringing to the Catholic Church. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 17, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karl Keating
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING joins us to talk about Frank Sheed's Theology and Sanity. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 16, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Elizabeth Lev
SPECIAL GUEST: LIZ LEV joins us to talk about How Catholic Art Saved the Faith. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 16, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Bruce Sullivan
SPECIAL GUEST: BRUCE SULLIVAN shares his story on how he, a former Church of Christ minister, became Catholic. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 12, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Debbie Herbeck
SPECIAL GUEST: DEBBIE HERBECK on her journey of faith from Judaism to Catholicism. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 9, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Troy Guy
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY on how an Evangelical discovered Mary, the Mother of God. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 8, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Kevin Vost
SPECIAL GUEST: DR KEVIN VOST on thinking like Aquinas. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 5, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Paul Thomas
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS on overcoming the fear of Confession. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 4, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Mathoma
SPECIAL GUEST: MATHOMA on answering common atheistic objections. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 3, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Roy Schoeman
SPECIAL GUEST: ROY SCHOEMAN on "scientific apologetics" (Part 2). Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 2, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: William Albrecht
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT on the question: "Does Romans teach the doctrine of Faith alone?." Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
April 1, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Trent Horn
SPECIAL GUEST: TRENT HORN talks about how Catholics should address bible difficulties. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 28, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Joseph Pearce
SPECIAL GUEST: JOSEPH PEARCE talks about journey into the Catholic Faith. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 27, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Ken Hensley
SPECIAL GUEST: KEN HENSLEY talks about the unbeliever's problem of human dignity. Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 26, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karl Keating
SPECIAL GUEST: KARL KEATING talks about a book that every Catholic apologist needs to read - Difficulties (by Lunn and Knox). Tune in at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 25, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Mike Aquilina
SPECIAL GUEST: MIKE AQUILINA joins us to inveestigate how Christianity introduced superntural charity into the ancient world. Tune in at 1pm EST onVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 22, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Brian Bradford
SPECIAL GUEST: DR. BRIAN BRADFORD some on the show to talk about Jesus in the Quran. Join us Friday, March 22th at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 21, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Mathoma
SPECIAL GUEST: MATHOMA joins us to talk about answering common athest objections. Join us Thursday, March 21th at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 20, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karlo Broussard
SPECIAL GUEST: KARLO BROUSSARD comes into the dojo to talk about the emotional aspect of suffering in the problem of evil. Join us Wednesday, March 20th at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 18, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Steven Piskoroski
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVEN PISKEROWSKI joins us to talk about purgatory and how he came to accept the doctrine as a revert to the Catholic Faith. Join us Monday, March 18th at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 14, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. John Bergsma
SPECIAL GUEST: DR JOHN BERGSMA join us to talk about his own journey to the Faith from Calvinism and also the prophecies of Daniel. Join us Thursday, March 14th at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 13, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Stacy Trasancos
SPECIAL GUEST: DR STACY TRASANCOS joins us to talk about her book "Particles of Faith." Join us at 1pm EST Wednesday, March 13th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 12, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dale Ahlquist
SPECIAL GUEST: DALE AHLQUIST talk about G. K. Chesterton - convert, apologist, and potential saint - and the genius of his thought and argument. Join us at 1pm EST Monday, March 11th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 11, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Roy Schoeman
SPECIAL GUEST: ROY SCHOEMAN Join us to talk about a "scientific" approach to apologteics. Join us at 1pm EST Monday, March 11th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 8, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Edward Feser
SPECIAL GUEST: DR EDWARD FESER joins at to talk about his book "Five Proofs for the Existence of God." Join us at 1pm EST Friday, March 8th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
March 7,, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Douglas Beaumont
SPECIAL GUEST: DR. DOUGLAS BEAUMONT join us to talk about Sola Fide (Faith Alone) on Thursday, March.7th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 20, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Matthew Arnold
SPECIAL GUEST: MATTHEW ARNOLD joins us to talk about dispelling deception. Join us at 1pm EST Monday, Feb. 18th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 19, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Terry Barber
SPECIAL GUEST: TERRY BARBER joins us to talk about his book, "How to How to Share Your Faith with Anyone." Join us at 1pm EST Monday, Feb. 18th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 18, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: John DeRosa
SPECIAL GUEST: JOHN DEROSA,join us to talk about answering atheist slogans on Monday, Feb. 18th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 15, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Brian Bradford
SPECIAL GUEST: DR. BRIAN BRADFORD on the Isalm and early Christian sects at 1pm EST Friday, Feb. 15th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 13, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Troy Guy
SPECIAL GUEST: TROY GUY join us to talk about his journey to the Catholic Church at 1pm EST Wednesday, Feb. 13th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 12, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: William Albrecht
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT the early Church and the Sacrament of Confession. Join us at 1pm EST Tuesday, Feb. 12th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 11, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Steve Weidenkopf
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVE WEIDENKOPF will join us to talk about "Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church." Join us at 1pm EST Monday, Feb. 11th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 7, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Dr. Douglas Beaumont
SPECIAL GUEST: DR. DOUGLAS BEAUMONT joins us on Hands On Apologetics to discuss one of the two pillars of Protestant theology, The Bible Alone (Sola Scriptura). Join us at 1pm EST Thursday, Feb. 7th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 6, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Paul Thomas
SPECIAL GUEST: PAUL THOMAS joins us on Hands On Apologetics to share "apologetics eastern-rite sytle" at 1pm EST Wednesday, Feb. 6th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 5, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Bryan Gesinger
SPECIAL GUEST: BRYAN GESINGER Join us to talk about his new book, "Power to Become Children of God" at 1pm EST Tuesday, Feb. 5th on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 4, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: William Albrecht
SPECIAL GUEST: WILLIAM ALBRECHT joins us today to talk about Islam and purgatory. Join us at 1pm EST Friday, 1st on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
February 1, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Bobby Hesley
SPECIAL GUEST: BOBBY HESLEY joins us today to talk about the biblical foundations of the Communion of Saints. Join us at 1pm EST Friday, 1st on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 31, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Tim Staples
SPECIAL GUEST: TIM STAPLES joins us today to talk about Free Will and Salvation. Join us at 1pm EST Thursday, 31st on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 30, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Rod Bennett
SPECIAL GUEST: ROD BENNETT joins us to talk about his new book "Bad Shepherds ." Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 28, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Steve Ray
SPECIAL GUEST: STEVE RAY joins us on Hands On Apologetics Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 25, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Matt Swaim
SPECIAL GUEST: MATT SWAIM comes on Hands On Apologetics to talk about his journey from the Church of the Nazarene to being a Christian punk rocker to the Catholic Faith. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 23, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: John Martigoni
on Hands On Apologetics Live to share why Faith Alone (Sola Fide) isn't biblical. Tune in Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 22, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Roy Schoeman
on Hands On Apologetics Live to share how the Virgin Mary led him into the fullness of Christ in the Catholic Church. Tune in Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 21, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karl Keating
joins us on Hands On Apologetics Live to discuss about his book "Debating Catholicism." Tune in Monday, Jan. 21, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 16, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Robert Corzine
Rob Corzine joins us on Hands On Apologetics Live to discuss the Spanish Inquisition. Tune in Wednesday, 16, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 14, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Ken Hensley
Ken Hensley joins us this Monday to talk about the philosophical worldview of materialism and its problems. Tune in Monday, 14, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 11, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Teresa Tomeo
Media expert Teresa Tomeo joins us on Hands On Apologetics today to talk about her own journey of faith and defending the Faith in the media. Tune in Friday, Jan. 11, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 9, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Matt Fradd
Matt Fradd joins us today to talk about his new book, Does God Exist? A Socratic Dialogue on the Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas. Join us Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 7, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Bobby Hesley
Catholic apologist Bobby Hesley joins us today to talk about the "brothers of the Lord." Did Mary have more than one child? Join us Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
January 3, 2019
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Jimmy Akin
Jimmy Akin join us today, Thursday Jan. 3, 2019 to talk about his book, "Teaching with Authority." Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 28, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: William Albrecht
William Albrecht Join us today, Friday 28, 2018 to talk about Sedevacantism. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 18, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Marcus Grodi
Marcus Grodi joins us on Hands On Apologetics to talk about "The verses I never saw." Join us Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 14, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karl Keating
The guy who started the modern Catholic apologetics movement, Karl Keating, is our special guest today on HOA to talk about his book, "The Francis Feud." Tune in Friday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 12, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: John Martigoni
Master apologist
JOHN MARTIGNONI comes on Hands On Apologetics to discuss whether "the Rapture" is truth or fiction. Tune in Tuesday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 11, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: William Albrecht
Master apologist and debater William Albrecht returns to the HOA dojo to discuss how to explain and defend the Faith. Tune in Tuesday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 10, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Trent Horn
Trent Horn joins the show to talk about his tour de force book The Case for Catholicism . Join us Monday 10th at 1PM EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 7, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karl Keating
The guy who started the modern Catholic apologetics movement, Karl Keating, is our special guest today on HOA to talk about his book, "Booked for Life." Tune in Friday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 5, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karlo Broussard
Karl Broussard comes on the show to dismantle the mistaken idea that science is the only reliable means of gaining accurate knowledge about reality. You don't want to miss it. Tune in Monday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 4, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Steve Weidenkopf
Were the crusades a imperialistic money-grab attempt by the papacy to steal land and force Muslims to convert to Christianity. Steve Weidenkopf joins us to set the record straight. Join us Tuesday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
December 2, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Rod Bennett
Was there an early Church apostasy? Rod Bennett join us today to talk about "The Apostasy that Wasn't ." You don't want to miss it. Tune in Monday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
November 28, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas join us today to share his journey from Catholicism to crime and back to the Catholic Church. Join us at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful Radio
November 26, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Mark McNeil
This Monday Mark McNeil joins us to tell us the story of his journey from Oneness Pentecostalism to belief in the Trinity and the Catholic Church. HOA airs at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
November 21, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: William Albrecht
William Albrecht joins us to talk about the Blessed Virgin Mary and Islam. Where we agree and where we disaagree. Tune in Wednesday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
November 19, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Fr. Robert Spitzer
Fr. Robert Spitzer joins us Monday on Hands on Apologetics to talk about the transcendentals and his book "God So Loved the World ." Tune in Monday at 1pm EST on Virgin Most Powerful RadioVirgin Most Powerful Radio.
November 16, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Karlo Broussard
Master apologist Karlo Broussard join us on Hands On Apologetics Live - Virgin Most Powerful Radio at 1pm EST - to talk about why the belief that scentific knowledge is NOT the only reliable why of knowing things.
November 14, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: John Martigoni
The blue-collar apologist John Martigoni joins us today to examine whether "Once Saved Always Saved" is biblical. You'll not want to miss it! Hands On Apologetics Live airs on Virgin Most Powerful Radio at 1pm EST.
November 13, 2018
HOA Live: Today's Guest: Steve Ray
Master apologist and world-traveler Steve Ray joins us to talk about Peter and the Papacy . Join us on Hands On Apologetics Live on Virgin Most Powerful Radio at 1pm EST.